Battle of the balrog

An original art piece based on the legendary battle at the bridge of Khazad-dûm from the timeless,
Lord of the Rings trilogy. This piece is the most in-depth and detailed digital piece created to date with a staggering 33 hours of illustration work.

Korra & light spirit

Kyoshi & the unagi

“I am no jedi’

From training as a young padawan to ultimately following her own path, Ahsoka is a beloved character that inspires countless people. This digital art piece is a love letter to the character and all that she represents.

Mando Color Study

This digital artwork is inspired by a popular streaming series. It is a color study, created by analyzing the original concept art found in the series' art books.

Star Wars Birthday 34.jpg

Birthday 34

Designed for my partner’s 34th birthday to mimic the Star Wars comic book cover designs from 2021. Star Wars is the copyright of LucasFilm and Disney. This artwork is designed as a personal gift. No copyright infringement intended. Original artwork created by Cassandra Pruitt, 2020. Please do not copy, sell, or redistribute this art.

Star Wars Birthday 33.jpg

Birthday 33

Designed for my partner’s 33rd birthday to mimic the Star Wars comic book cover designs from 2020. Star Wars is the copyright of LucasFilm and Disney. This artwork is designed as a personal gift. No copyright infringement intended. Original artwork created by Cassandra Pruitt, 2020. Please do not copy, sell, or redistribute this art.